Nikki 0.1
I just uploaded the very simple script (~200 LOC) used to generate this blog to a repo. I was looking over at Pelican but it's still overkill for what I need, and while I was about to install 4x13's wlog, I wanted a static alternative, so I made my own.
It's pretty simple to use, just create the markdown files in the "pages" directory with the following format:
title: My Article
date: 2016-01-01 14:00
(blank line)
Post content here...
Then just run the script, and the static blog should be generated in the "output" directory. You can now just upload it through FTP to any web server. Pretty simple and fast.
The repo is available over here @ GitHub.
I still want it to support automatic copying of stylesheets and images to the output directory. Very simple configuration variables are at the top of I also plan to add pagination and improve the error handling later.