Trackma // Media list manager for *nix OS. It has a media tracker and offline queueing, designed to be modular. It supports MyAnimeList, Anilist, Hummingbird, Shikimori and Melative, thanks to community support. It has a CLI, curses, GTK 3 and Qt 5 interfaces.
vrms-gentoo // Clone of the famous vrms for Gentoo (Portage).
onsen-watch // Utility written in C++/Qt to watch for new episodes of your favorite shows of the Onsen Japanese podcast radio and download them automatically. The server requires a Japanese IP; no way around that aside from a VPN.
ncnyaa // ncurses program written in C to do searches on and download/run a command to open the torrent file. For example, you can use it with rTorrent to download the .torrent file in the watched directory, or to feed the remote URL directly to transmission-daemon.
weabot // Textboard/Imageboard hybrid script, forked from the simpler PyIB. It focuses on being as close as possible to 2ch and Futaba Channel.
denpa-dumper // Takes a mediafire folder and dumps it to a text or HTML file for easy lookup. Used in
QYomi // Clone of JParser for Qt written in C++ for fast Japanese dictionary lookup and clipboard monitoring.
nikki // Simple blog script, it supports articles written in Markdown and categories. Generates static HTML.
bai-player // Flash livestream player that mimicks Nicolive interface with flying comments. Connects to Livestream, although it seems the API is deprecated and doesn't work well with Firefox.
Small/Useless Scripts
Gyaru // Twitter web client that shows timelines in a photo gallery fashion. Useful for art lists.
syncme // Multi-track audio syncing script written in pure JS + HTML5 audio and canvas. Can turn separate tracks on and off. It's kind of buggy, especially on slow connections.
kareha-view // Python+urwid(curses) script to read Kareha boards in the terminal I made when I was bored.
lnk.c // Simple C program that returns the full path of a Windows shortcut (LNK) file. I use it to create shortcuts of Wine programs that were previously installed in a Windows partition.
ksv // Bash script that adds the add, del and ls commands to the runit's sv service management utility to enable, disable and list running services easily.