オマエラ notme


Not me

Hi, I'm z411, a certain person who lives in Chile. Born in 1990, a netizen since 1994, had several nicknames and hung out with different people in many places. I'm not outspoken about my real life but I enjoy talking about my hobbies and randomly complaining about things. You can reach me directly through any of the means listed below.




PGP key and fingerprint
0AF5F222 (Armor)
1E13 9681 6150 FA44 C3C0 E053 74A3 BEEC 0AF5 F222
OMEMO fingerprints
C5BC145A 74C70337 3FA50483 4532A28E 82B6FE18 41918777 0FDCAD51 0497E901 (Desktop)
9CEBE1BC ECC948E8 F6CCCB81 623F8685 82D649A3 682C6443 CB940A57 3017B82E (Mobile)
Matrix fingerprints
QEvK Qofx H5aB QdlM 6CDB r84q K2Hh nCI/ EDGt rV8y 2a8 (LDHTIYIIWU - PC)
i7PF WI+D 7ktD E3kg nsKf +nNT 0nwS UHQ1 I7Wq OW5m 7Y4 (BBENTVKCQC - Mobile)