オマエラ links



sdf.org Public access Unix server.
SECUSO Security and privacy focused research group of the Computer Science Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt.
fsf.org The Free Software Foundation
retroshare.net Distributed and encrypted chat, file transfer and communication software


lainchan.org One of the few good imageboards left. Security and technology oriented. Also has drugs and civics boards.
420chan.org Drug-focused imageboard
sageru.org The Unholy Citadel of 6ch
hitomi.2ch.net/poverty/ (Japanese) 2ch's Kenmou news board.
jbbs.shitaraba.net/news/6016/ (Japanese) Alternative politics board


neocities.org Reincarnation of Geocities, lots of interesting and creative 90s styled personal web pages.
textfiles.com Database of text files dating back from the BBS and Usenet days.
erowid.org Documentation about most psychotropic drugs. Probably the most honest resource available about drugs that's free of propaganda and lies.
jacobinmag.com Jacobin magazine, mostly left-wing self-criticism.


moebious.neocities.org moebious
4x13.net 4x13
4ch.mooo.com sparky
sdz5.com sdz5
iro-iro.xyz sathariel